Getting Started Guides


Frequently Asked Questions

Q.  How much time does it actually take to maintain a My Greens system?
From as little as 5 minutes through the cooler months, and 10 minutes or so over the warmer months.
All that really needs doing is checking and adjusting as required your Water, Ph and Nutrients.
Q.  What plants can I grow in a My Greens system?
My Greens utilise the NFT (Nutrient Film Technique) where the plants grow directly in a diluted nutrient solution.
This type of system works best with fast growing, shallow rooted plants such as:
Boy Choy
& many other Asian stir-fry veges
Water cress
Spring Onions
There are so many more different plants that can be grown!

Larger, deeper-rooted plants like Broccoli, Tomatoes, Potatoes etc are not really suited to “My Greens” towers
but stay tuned because we are working on integrating a system that works for larger, deeper rooted plants.
Q.  Where should I position a My Greens system for the best growing results?
Fast growing plants grow better the more light you can give them.
Ideally a sunny deck or balcony that is covered. All My Greens systems have wheels so can be moved depending on the conditions.
Q.  How do I run electricity to a My Greens system?
Ideally, you would need an outside power point with a RCD (Residual Current Device) built in.
Q.  How often should I clean a My Greens system and how do I clean it?
Over time, algae, detritus from plant roots and other waste will begin to dirty the water container, pipes, grow channels and pump.

Best practice cleaning tips are listed below:
Clean on a cool day, early morning or late afternoon to minimise shock to plants.
Turn off and disconnect power.
Empty the water bucket directly on to the garden (to make use of the remaining nutrient solution).
Wash out the bucket with water only and a scrubbing brush.
Remove each channel, starting from the top and wash out with a high-pressure hose.
Replace channels and move plants from a dirty channel to the clean one – Repeat until all channels are clean.
Rinse residue off pump and fittings.
Fill the water container with clean water.
Add in pH down and nutrients to obtain optimum levels of both.
Q.  Where are My Greens systems made?
The aluminium is pressed and powder coated in Hamilton New Zealand.
The rest of the components are sourced from a variety of manufacturers from both New Zealand and overseas.
The fertilisers are formulated in the Waikato region.
Q.  How do I move a My Greens system?
All My Greens systems have high quality wheels, 2 of which lock, so moving to take advantage ofthe best growing conditions is easy.
Q.  How much water will my system use?
Water in a My Greens system will slowly disappear via the natural process of evaporation and transpiration.
Evaporation occurs every time water is exposed to heat, and transpiration is the process where by plants excrete water through their leaves and stems.
In Summer, water levels may need to be "topped up" every second day whilst in Winter that may reduce to only once per week.
Q.  What nutrients should I use in a My Greens system?
The My Greens powdered nutrients are probably best suited to a My Greens system. These nutrients have been sourced from a Hydroponic business that has been making hydroponic nutrient solutions for commercial hydroponic growers for over 35 years.
Q.  How easy is it to assemble a My Greens system?
The frames of a My Greens system are precision made and fit together easily.
Best practice is to follow the instruction guide.
Q.  What else can I grow in a My Greens system apart from edible leafy greens?
Cuttings and clones of many plants can be established in a My Greens system.
Good results have been achieved with Hoya, Bougainvillea, Thyme, Oregano, Grape cuttings and Hydrangea cuttings to name a few examples.
Q.  How many plants can I grow in a My Greens system?
There are three different sized My Greens systems.
Total plant capacity is as follows:
Small = 30 plants
Medium = 48 plants
Large = 64 plants
Q.  How do I germinate my seedlings?
Please refer to our How To Guide:

Growing your seeds
Q.  What seedlings do I use in a My Greens system?
Seedlings should be grown without any soil.
They should be started in the little rockwool cubes provided and then, once roots start to push through the bottom of the rockwool cube, be transplanted into the Net cups and propped up with the Vermiculite/ Perlite mix before being introduced to their new home in the grow channel.
Q.  What is in the Seasonal Seed Pack?
Autumn/ Winter Seed Pack:
Bok Choy
Lettuce > Cos
Lettuce > Surprise
Mesclun Mix
Spring Onion
Water Cress

Spring/ Summer Seed pack:
Lettuce > Cos
Lettuce > Surprise
Lettuce > Mixed
Mesclun mix
Spinach > Surprise
Spinach > New Zealand
Spring Onion
Q.  Can I grow plants in my system all year round?
Plants can definitely be grown in a My Greens system all year round.
Some plants such as coriander will not do well in the heat of summer and others such as Basil will not do well in the cooler months.
Q.  Can the vegetables grown in a My Greens system be classed as organic?
Strictly speaking. No.
Organic labelling is applied to plants that are grown in organic certified soils and fed organic fertilisers.
We are actively researching “Worm Juice” as an organic nutrient replacement.
The nutrients used in hydroponics are mainly refined mineral fertilisers.
Q.  How does the taste of hydroponic vegetables compare with traditional, soil grown vegetables?
Because all the required nutrients are supplied in controlled amounts, many growers argue that hydroponic vegetables are more nutritious than traditionally grown crops, including organic crops.
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